You and God

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Blessing and Building

  We see the many blessings prayed over people in the bible, e.g., Jacob blessing his sons. Some came into being, but those sons that built according to God’s pattern saw His Kingdom established and the blessings' fulfilled.

Faith that Pleases God

To begin, note Hebrews 6:11: “And without faith, it is impossible to please God…”

According to the Scripture above, faith is the way to pleasing God. Let’s explore this a little. Whenever I have had the opportunity to sit with people, and the privilege to listen to the story of how they’ve come to know Jesus (and […]

Memorial Stones

Let us continue to pile up the memorial stones of thanksgiving and gratitude in our lives as we continue to embrace His future promises for us.

May His Glory Come Down

…and My glory I will not give to another nor my praise to carved idols. Isaiah 42:8b

We often hear about the ‘Glory of God’, so let us take a moment to consider what the glory of God is.  As it is the Glory of God, it is something only God […]