by Karen Hale
Alabama, USA
I wanted to give you all some testimonies about pregnancies from Ken’s visit to our church. First, there was a couple visiting our church, Kyle and Elizabeth, who are good friends with Andrew and Jaime, our elders. She is very new to things of the Spirit. I think she was the first lady that Ken prayed for that day, and she fell out under the Spirit, laying on the ground for quite some time. Elizabeth had miscarried twice, in April and October, just before Ken got here. Two weeks after receiving prayer that day, she found out that she was pregnant. At the time of writing, she is approximately five months along and the baby is doing great! She hasn’t had any complications and the doctors said everything is going well for both of them.
Second, we have a couple – Matt and Liz – who have been trying to get pregnant since before we got here three years ago. Matt had been diagnosed with very low sperm count. Liz didn’t have any physical complications or hindrances, and yet, they could not get pregnant. They had been doing artificial insemination for close to two years at that time. That month, after Ken prayed for them, Matt’s count had dramatically increased and they are pregnant….with TWINS! We don’t know if it was natural or artificial insemination, but nothing had been working up to that point, so either way, it’s the Lord’s goodness! She is about half way through her term with great reports from the doctors. We believe that what has been happening in the natural is surely a sign of what’s here and what’s to come for our church family and that it will be a double reward!
We just want to honor you both and say thank you for loving the beautiful bride and giving your lives for her to become all she is meant to be by walking in full inheritance with Christ, the one who’s given everything for her! Bless you both! He really is alive!