One of the reasons Ken and I called our ministry “Restoring the Wells” is because it lines up with many prophetic words we have received. We even had a song sung over us prophetically when we came onto eldership. It was all about opening up and restoring the wells. More recently, when we handed over the leading of Free Life Church, we were given a prophetic word about God beginning to use us corporately, in a greater way than He had before. This became evident on our trip to British Colombia (BC), Canada.
After a delayed flight, which meant a night in Denver, and a beautiful ferry ride to Victoria on Vancouver Island, we reached our first destination: Mark and Jennifer du Toit who lead Trinity Church. It is a privilege to be invited to a church and such a joy to have time to connect with amazing people. Ken spoke at a men’s breakfast and I spoke at a ladies meeting. Both were wonderful. We met with some of the young adults – wow they have such amazing dreams, many to impact the nations – and met with other great people. But it was the Sunday morning that God seemed to do a powerful corporate work. We felt there was what we could only describe as a ‘blanket’ over the church that needed to be removed. As the ‘blanket was rolled away’, the amazing, tender, powerful, gracious power of God came down. People were set free and hearts were changed. The church is now referring to things as pre-blanket and post-blanket. Such was its impact. Thank You Jesus!
After that we went to Oceanside to share at a men’s and at a ladies meeting. Again God moved, but for Oceanside it was just the beginning of what He was going to do.
Next was a beautiful drive up to Quesnel on the mainland in BC. We were hosted by Brian and Lisa Dean who have been leading New Life Church for over two years. It was delightful to get to know them better and to meet their family. They hosted a BC Equip. Again, we found a people hungry for the things of God. There were a number of people that shared: Mike Graves, Steve Barr, Ken and I. It all came together, as these things do in God. The last morning Steve and Ken both preached on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There was time for people to respond either to be Spirit filled for the fist time or ‘refilled.’ Possibly 80-90% of the people responded. How glorious to see God impacting people individually in a corporate setting, knowing that He empowers people to do what He calls them to do. The Sunday, with hearts open and such a passion to receive, God ministered tenderly to His people.
Monday I flew back home, but Ken still had quite a bit to do. He led a men’s breakfast at Oceanside and then went over to minister on the Wednesday evening at Revolution Church in Vancouver with Nick and Lisa Russell. God, as always, was faithful and met with His people.
The last leg of the trip was back at Oceanside. While there were a number of meetings, the focus was the Prophetic Conference and the Sunday morning meeting. There are no words to describe the goodness of our God. He healed people instantly. He set them free from past issues. He filled many, many people with the Holy Spirit and, best of all, people were saved into the Kingdom of our Mighty God.
How can translocal work (a term we use to describe ministering into churches besides your home church) be measured? Surely it is by seeing God glorified, His people changed from one degree of glory to the next, and witnessing the lost saved. It is indeed His amazing grace. May the River of God flow in and through us for His Glory.
Psalm 98:1-3:
1. Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
2. The Lord has made known His salvation;
His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.
3. He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.