Life is a continual movement, always progressing. The law of all created life is growth and increase. Consequently, when we are saved, that new creation within us is destined to increase, always by becoming stronger in God. Just as the seed contains life and the power of growth in itself, and draws from the earth the nutrients it needs to impel the plant to achieve its full height and fruit, so is there the seed of the eternal life an impelling force by which that life always increases and grows. “… for it is God who works in you to will and act according to His good purpose.” (Phil. 2:13).
Part of the increase and growth is enlarging our capacity. God promised enlargement to each of us. Isaiah 54:2-3 speaks of growth, enlargement, fruitfulness. In order to keep what God gives us – that is, to keep growing both in maturity and effectiveness – the stakes must be able to cope with, hold, and accommodate that growth in each of us. The same would be true for a church, a home group etc.
Part of enlarging our capacity is being open to God developing and changing our lifestyle and character; to conform us to our destiny in Him. God will develop and do what is needed if we surrender to Him, work with Him, and don’t look back. Here are some keys to help us increase our capacity, so that we might fulfill our full potential in God, His purposes in us, and His destiny for us.
- Take time
Invest time in prayer, time in His word, time in communion with God, time in a continuous exercise of Fatih. The divine inner growth with which the life of God perfects man in Christ is little by little but sure, hidden but real. weak but endowed with heavenly power.
2. Stay focused
We easily loose focus. Jesus was never distracted, not even by important and good things. He saw some desperate needs but remained focused. Likewise, we should endeavor in the midst of a world of distraction to try and keep our focus on Jesus, His Kingdom, His life within us reflecting the image of Christ.
3. Remain thankful
Remember God’s faithfulness in the past: “my soul is downcast within me: I will remember You…” (Psalm 42:6). The children of God were continually reminded to ‘remember’ – to look back and reflect on God’s faithfulness, which gives hope and expectation for the future. Gratitude rises up within us and we consider God’s constant kindness, love, faithfulness… It is vision of he future victory, a heart that sees the goodness of our God, a thankful heart that motivates us, not focusing on past failures.
4. Remain humble and flexible
Change is constant, and in all changes and adjustments, we need to remain humble and flexible – not for the sake of change, but for the sake of the Kingdom and others.
God’s people have always had to deal with change. How we view and react to it, however, makes all the difference. Change usually brings its it both the good and the bad, the convenient and the inconvenient, the exhilaration of discovery and the new experience and the discomfort of the unknown and unfamiliar. Rarely, if ever, does change bring one without the other. But in it, as we remain humble and flexible, our capacity grows.
5. Remain faithful
Faithful to what we now know and have. Our Lord Jesus said that if we are faithful in the small things, more will be given to us to care for and to steward in God’s vineyard. Enlargement and increase will come as we are faithful in prayer, reading the word, in corporate gatherings, with our time, our money, and so on. Caring diligently and faithfully for other people’s things will please God and allow us to be entrusted with greater responsibility
Enlarge us, O God: In our knowledge of You
In our dependence of the Holy Spirit
In our hearts, to cope with those that don’t fit ‘our’ mold
In our sphere if influence In our vision
In our prayer life
In our anointing
In our ability to cope with pressure and demands
In dealing with opposition and obstacles
In our discernment and wisdom
In our capacity for more of You.